Black and Blue

Assorted socks impossible to sort
Some are black, some are blue — but which is which?

Women’s fashion. For decades the phenomenon has driven me crazy as I drop my favorite clothes into the donation box. In the 21st century an annoying new wrinkle has appeared. Whether it’s due to designers’ choice or to dye makers’ mischief, it can make getting dressed a challenge.

When I was a little girl,
I learned black is black
and blue is blue.

Now that I’m older than my grandmother was
when she pointed out black and showed me blue,
I’m learning black is not black
and blue is not blue.

True blue is what I long for —
to pull out a sock and know that it’s blue —
but the only way to be sure of that
is to set it down on something black.

Only thing is, I can’t tell what is black
unless it’s beside what I know to be blue.

So I do my best with slacks, socks, and sweater,
but sometimes when I’m out I suddenly discover
I’ve one foot in black
and one foot in blue.

In case you’re wondering, in the image above the socks that touch the border at the top and to the right are black.

8 Comments Black and Blue

  1. Anne Redwine Smith

    Oh the black and blue dilemma! Remember what your Mother used to say…..”Aging isn’t for sissies”.
    Now confused on black and blue, I understand how it’s true!

    Definitely a smile!


  2. Sally

    My daughter has the confusion problem too. Those of us in Colorado probably have many more black and dark blue items to sort through than other people in warmer climates, where light colors predominate.

  3. Barb

    Such a fun lighthearted poem – and so true! It made me smile! I love this idea of sharing your poetry – so wonderful!


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